Publish a WordPress Post with in 3 Steps

  1. Create a WordPress User: Log in to your WordPress website, and head over to Users > Add New.

    Here we create a user on our own website with a role Author. All post posted will have the Author’s name as this user.

    This is also done as a security measure, coz a user with the Role Author, is somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.

    Note down the username, and choose the Role as Author.
  2. Create an Application Password: Step 2 we create an application password for this User. This is required so we don’t need to share the real password with anyone. Head over to the User List and click Edit.

    Copy the Application Password and head over the
  3. Paste settings in Head over to app at, and goto settings, and paste values:
    a. WordPress URL: Your sites Home page URL. If the WordPress is installed at then paste that. If WordPress is installed at root, viz: then paste
    b. WordPress Login: Note that this is the WordPress Username, and not the App Name. The User name in this example was johndoe.
    c. Application Password: The Application password that we copied in the last step. and click Save.

    Thats It!